Page 52 - Fallout 4 Item ID List

Fallout 4 is an action role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic Boston, Massachusetts and is the fifth installment of the Fallout series. Players explore the open world sandbox of post-nuclear Boston, complete quests and engage in combat with a variety of mutated monsters and hostile humans. Players can customize their character with a variety of weapons, apparel, and Power Armor, as well as build and manage settlements and extract resources from the environment. With a unique storyline and many hours of intense gameplay, Fallout 4 is an engaging experience for players of all ages.

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1511 items in database

Most Popular Fallout 4 Items

# Item Name Game
1 Biometric Scanner Fallout4
2 Cloth Fallout4
3 Fertilizer Fallout4
4 Fusion Core Fallout4
5 Military-Grade Circuit Board Fallout4
6 Oil Fallout4
7 Pre-War Money Fallout4
8 Turpentine Fallout4
9 Deliverer Fallout4
10 Crystal Fallout4
11 High-Powered Magnet Fallout4
12 Duct Tape Fallout4
13 Addictol Fallout4
14 Stimpak Fallout4
15 Hazmat Suit Fallout4
16 Screw Fallout4
17 Pip-Boy Fallout4
18 Vertibird Signal Grenade Fallout4
19 Overdue Book Fallout4
20 Nuclear Material Fallout4
21 Sensor Module Fallout4
22 Fiber Optics Fallout4
23 Paint Can Fallout4
24 Corn Fallout4
25 Adhesive Fallout4
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