Page 108 - Terraria Item ID List

Terraria is a 2D sandbox adventure game known for its exploration, building, and combat elements. In a procedurally generated world, players gather resources, craft items, and construct structures, all while battling a variety of creatures and bosses. With a focus on creativity and discovery, it offers a diverse range of environments, items, and challenges, making it a beloved title for fans of sandbox gaming.

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Note: Click item name to see spawn commands and item information.

Item Name Item ID
4364 items in database

Most Popular Terraria Items

# Item Name Game
1 Zenith Terraria
2 Prismatic Lacewing Terraria
3 1/4 Second Timer Terraria
4 Muramasa Terraria
5 Celestial Starboard Terraria
6 Terraspark Boots Terraria
7 Terraprisma Terraria
8 Platinum Coin Terraria
9 Gold Coin Terraria
10 Stalker's Quiver Terraria
11 Guide Voodoo Doll Terraria
12 Flinx Fur Terraria
13 Kaleidoscope Terraria
14 Life Crystal Terraria
15 Party Wagon Terraria
16 Blue Moon Terraria
17 Fallen Star Terraria
18 Flinx Fur Coat Terraria
19 Pink Fairy Terraria
20 Soaring Insignia Terraria
21 Minecart Terraria
22 Slice of Hell Cake Terraria
23 Jungle Spores Terraria
24 Demon Conch Terraria
25 Hoppin' Jack Banner Terraria
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