Page 21 - Rust Item ID List

Rust is a massive multiplayer survival game developed by Facepunch Studios. The game is set in a randomly generated open world, where players must scavenge for resources, craft items, and build shelter in order to survive. The game takes elements from both first-person shooters and survival games, constantly forcing players to balance their aggression and defense in order to survive. Rust can be played solo or with others, meaning it's a great game for players of all skill levels.

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677 items in database

Most Popular Rust Items

# Item Name Game
1 Metal Fragments Rust
2 Scrap Rust
3 Low Grade Fuel Rust
4 Test Generator Rust
5 High Quality Metal Rust
6 Medical Syringe Rust
7 Red Keycard Rust
8 Wood Rust
9 Rocket Rust
10 Stones Rust
11 Hazmat Suit Rust
12 Jackhammer Rust
13 Vending Machine Rust
14 Timed Explosive Charge Rust
15 SAM Site Rust
16 5.56 Rifle Ammo Rust
17 Rocket Launcher Rust
18 Assault Rifle Rust
19 Auto Turret Rust
20 M249 Rust
21 High External Wooden Wall Rust
22 Large Furnace Rust
23 High Velocity Rocket Rust
24 Garage Door Rust
25 High External Stone Wall Rust
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