Sunflowers are vibrant flora that always face east, providing a natural compass for orientation. Players can use them to craft dyes or as decorative elements in their builds. When planted, they add a touch of color and can be found in sunflower plains biomes. Additionally, sunflowers can be used to breed bees and accelerate their honey production, making them a versatile and beneficial item in various crafting and agricultural activities.
This item has no numerical item ID, therefore you must use the item ID to spawn the item. Numerical item IDs were removed in Minecraft version 1.13.
The item id for Sunflower is minecraft:sunflower
The item ID for Sunflower is minecraft:sunflower
This is the spawn command to give yourself Sunflower in Minecraft which includes the Minecraft /give command. If you are using the Essentials plugin you will need to use /minecraft:give instead of /give