Pink Dye is a vibrant colorant used to alter the hue of various objects, including wool, terracotta, glass, and armor. It is crafted by combining red and white dyes or by placing a peony or pink tulip in the crafting grid. This dye is also employed to color tamed wolf collars, change the patterns on banners, and can be used with fireworks to create a pink explosion effect.
This item has no numerical item ID, therefore you must use the item ID to spawn the item. Numerical item IDs were removed in Minecraft version 1.13.
The item id for Pink Dye is minecraft:pink_dye
The item ID for Pink Dye is minecraft:pink_dye
This is the spawn command to give yourself Pink Dye in Minecraft which includes the Minecraft /give command. If you are using the Essentials plugin you will need to use /minecraft:give instead of /give