Grindstone is a utility block that provides players with the ability to repair items and tools, and also remove enchantments from them. It serves as an alternative to the anvil, offering a cost-effective solution for merging damaged tools or weapons, thus restoring their durability. Additionally, when disenchanting items, it grants the user experience points depending on the level of the enchantment being removed. This block is crafted using sticks, a stone slab, and planks.
This item has no numerical item ID, therefore you must use the item ID to spawn the item. Numerical item IDs were removed in Minecraft version 1.13.
The item id for Grindstone is minecraft:grindstone
The item ID for Grindstone is minecraft:grindstone
This is the spawn command to give yourself Grindstone in Minecraft which includes the Minecraft /give command. If you are using the Essentials plugin you will need to use /minecraft:give instead of /give