Chorus Fruit

Chorus Fruit is a purple, edible item harvested from the Chorus Plant, commonly found in the End dimension. When consumed, it causes the player to teleport randomly within a short radius, providing a unique method of transportation with an element of unpredictability. Additionally, it can be cooked to create Popped Chorus Fruit, an ingredient used to craft end rods and purpur blocks, essential for end-themed construction and decoration.

Chorus Fruit Numerical ID

The numerical item ID for Chorus Fruit is 432

Numerical item IDs will only work in Minecraft versions below 1.13.

Chorus Fruit ID

The item ID for Chorus Fruit is minecraft:chorus_fruit

Chorus Fruit Spawn Command

This is the spawn command to give yourself Chorus Fruit in Minecraft which includes the Minecraft /give command. If you are using the Essentials plugin you will need to use /minecraft:give instead of /give

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