San Francisco Sunlights

San Francisco Sunlights are a rare and sought-after type of pre-war cigar, highly valued for their quality and the nostalgia of the old world they evoke. These cigars are often found in limited locations, treasured by collectors and those wishing to add a touch of luxury to their post-apocalyptic existence. Their rarity makes them a valuable commodity for trade, offering a glimpse into a bygone era of sophistication and opulence amidst the ruins.

San Francisco Sunlights ID

The item ID for San Francisco Sunlights is 00154AB2

San Francisco Sunlights Spawn Command

This is the spawn commands to give yourself or a player San Francisco Sunlights in Fallout 4. Open up the console by pressing either ` (grave) or ~ (tilde), then type a command and press enter.

Copy the command below and paste it into your Fallout 4 game or server admin console to obtain.

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