Raider Power Helm

The Raider Power Helm is a piece of armor designed to provide significant protection for the head. Crafted from various scavenged materials, it embodies the rough and ready aesthetic typical of raider gear. This helm is part of the larger Raider Power Armor set, offering enhanced defense against a range of threats. Its intimidating appearance serves not only as a protective measure but also as a psychological tool to unsettle opponents.

Raider Power Helm ID

The item ID for Raider Power Helm is 00140C54

Raider Power Helm Spawn Command

This is the spawn commands to give yourself or a player Raider Power Helm in Fallout 4. Open up the console by pressing either ` (grave) or ~ (tilde), then type a command and press enter.

Copy the command below and paste it into your Fallout 4 game or server admin console to obtain.

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