Combat Armor Chest Piece

The Combat Armor Chest Piece is a highly versatile and protective piece of equipment designed to shield the wearer's torso from damage. Crafted from lightweight, durable materials, it offers a balanced mix of damage resistance against both ballistic and energy weapons, making it a favored choice among survivors navigating hazardous environments. Its modifiable nature allows for further enhancements, including increased protection and specialized resistances, catering to a variety of tactical needs and personal preferences.

Combat Armor Chest Piece ID

The item ID for Combat Armor Chest Piece is 0011D3C3

Combat Armor Chest Piece Spawn Command

This is the spawn commands to give yourself or a player Combat Armor Chest Piece in Fallout 4. Open up the console by pressing either ` (grave) or ~ (tilde), then type a command and press enter.

Copy the command below and paste it into your Fallout 4 game or server admin console to obtain.

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