Bloatfly Meat

Bloatfly Meat is obtained from the carcass of a Bloatfly, a mutated insect found in the post-apocalyptic world. This item can be consumed raw to restore a small amount of health, albeit with a risk of radiation exposure. Alternatively, it can be cooked at a cooking station to create Grilled Bloatfly, which offers increased health benefits without the radiation penalty. This makes it a useful, though modest, resource for survival in the harsh environment.

Bloatfly Meat ID

The item ID for Bloatfly Meat is 330f4

Bloatfly Meat Spawn Command

This is the spawn commands to give yourself or a player Bloatfly Meat in Fallout 4. Open up the console by pressing either ` (grave) or ~ (tilde), then type a command and press enter.

Copy the command below and paste it into your Fallout 4 game or server admin console to obtain.

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